Data Scientist

Data Scientist

A data scientist uses data to understand and explain the phenomena around them, and help organizations make better decisions. Working as a data scientist can be intellectually challenging, analytically satisfying, and put you at the forefront of new advances in technology.

Skills Covered

SQL. Structured Query Language

Statistical programming. .

Machine learning

Probability and statistics

Data management

Statistical visualization

Advanced Data Scientist Training Course Content Overview

About Courses

Skills Covered


Data science is a broad field that involves dealing with large volumes of data to uncover hidden trends and patterns and extract valuable information that aids in better decision-making. Companies that collect massive amounts of data use various data science tools and techniques to build predictive models. Simplilearn’s Data Science training can help you learn all its concepts from scratch.
In a Data Science course, you will learn about many concepts if you are a beginner or an intermediate. This training program is around six to twelve months, often taken by industry experts to help candidates build a strong foundation in the field. Besides the theoretical material, our Data Science course includes virtual labs, industry projects, interactive quizzes, and practice tests, giving you an enhanced learning experience.
A Data Scientist is an individual who gathers, cleans, analyzes, and visualizes large datasets to draw meaningful conclusions and communicate them to business leaders. The data is collected from various sources, processed into a format suitable for analysis, and fed into an analytics system where statistical analysis is performed to gain actionable insights.
These Data Science courses, co-developed with IBM, will give you an insight into Data Science tools and methodologies, which is enough to prepare you to excel in your next role as a Data Scientist. This Data Science training will teach you R, Python, Machine Learning techniques, data reprocessing, regression, clustering, data analytics with SAS, data visualization with Tableau, and an overview of the Hadoop ecosystem. You will earn an industry-recognized certificate from IBM and Simplilearn that will attest to your new skills and on-the-job expertise.
Professionals with no prior knowledge of the field can easily begin with this Data Science course, as you’ll gain a thorough knowledge of the basic concepts as well.

Working Hours

Mon - Fri

9:00AM – 5:00PM


9:00AM – 5:00PM


9:00AM – 5:00PM

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